martes, 12 de junio de 2007


Hi everybody! I´m a Spanish girl that decided to write a English blog, and now I'm starting to write it.

Probably there are too many mistakes, I'm sorry, but I am only in a second year in the Official Language School.

I try to write here every day, but I don't promise anything ;)


4 comentarios:

Xina dijo...

Eso digo yo, no prometas nada! jajaja

~ Aisha ~ dijo...

Aqui se habla en ingles!!! me cachis!!! digooooo I don't understand you. Can you speak in English,please???


Oli dijo...

Keep on writing! You're improving your English and each sentence is better than the previous one. And don't worry about your mistakes! You have a very good basis; you'll catch up soon! Believe me!

A northern country is waiting for you...


PS: I still owe you a good email since you sent me the pictures. I'm sooo soooorry...

LaGuzana dijo...

How cool, writing in english!!
I´ve been pretty busy but I´ll get back to my blog, I promisse!

So Aisha we´ve to catch up!
